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Termokromik Uygulamaya Yönelik Bazı Nanomalzemeler
    Termokromik Uygulamaya Yönelik Bazı Nanomalzemeler

Termokromizm, bir malzemenin sıcaklık değişimleri altında renk değişimlerine uğradığı olguyu ifade eder. Bu değişikliğe genellikle malzemenin elektronik veya moleküler yapısındaki değişiklikler neden olur. Uygulama prensibi temel olarak aşağıdaki hus...


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  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • CU kaplı CNT'ler
    Multi Walled CNTs Coated with Copper Cu Plated CNTs
    Treatments can enhance more performance of carbon nanotubes and make it more widely used in various fields. Some common modified types include copper, nickel coating, carboxylated, hydroxylated, amination, etc..Hongwu Nano can customized CNTs with different modification accordingly to the requirements.
  • C60 Fulleren Tozu
    C60 Fullerene Powder for Perovskite Solar Cells
    Fullerene is also called footballene. C60 is the most easily obtained, purified and cheapest type of fullerene. As a new type of carbon material, fullerene has shown excellent performance in superconductivity, solar cells, catalysis, optics, polymer materials and biology due to its unique cage structure, and has broad development prospects. Hongwu Nano offer factory price C60 fullerene powder, both sample order and batch order assures stable good quality, good price and considerate service. Any need welcome to inquiry!
  • C60 Fulleren Tozu
    C60 Fullerene Powder for Perovskite Solar Cells
    Fullerene is also called footballene. C60 is the most easily obtained, purified and cheapest type of fullerene. As a new type of carbon material, fullerene has shown excellent performance in superconductivity, solar cells, catalysis, optics, polymer materials and biology due to its unique cage structure, and has broad development prospects. Hongwu Nano offer factory price C60 fullerene powder, both sample order and batch order assures stable good quality, good price and considerate service. Any need welcome to inquiry!
  • C60 Fulleren Tozu
    C60 Fullerene Powder for Perovskite Solar Cells
    Fullerene is also called footballene. C60 is the most easily obtained, purified and cheapest type of fullerene. As a new type of carbon material, fullerene has shown excellent performance in superconductivity, solar cells, catalysis, optics, polymer materials and biology due to its unique cage structure, and has broad development prospects. Hongwu Nano offer factory price C60 fullerene powder, both sample order and batch order assures stable good quality, good price and considerate service. Any need welcome to inquiry!

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